Tom Joy Elementary mini-pitch

By Dave Wasiolek

One of the key tenants of NSST’s mission is “To promote local soccer and the community welfare”. Thus, when Chris Redhage and Brandon Hill of NSC contacted the Trust to see if we would be interested in helping build a mini-pitch at Tom Joy Elementary School the Trust was more than happy to help.

This mini-pitch is not part of the NSC program but instead is the brainchild of Matt Bonadies. If that name rings a bell it is not surprising as just a few years ago Matt was the punter and kick off specialist at Middle Tennessee State University. During his time at MTSU Matt made Honorable Mention All C-USA and was on the Ray Guy watch list his senior year.

Originally from North Carolina and later Georgia, Matt was a standout in both football and soccer in high school. He had the opportunity to play both in college but the financial assistance was better for football and that is what brought him to MTSU. Matt, however, never lost his love of soccer and continues to play in local adult leagues while joining the ever swelling wave of NSC fans. 

Fortunately for Nashville, upon graduation Matt and Megan, his wife and high school sweetheart, decided to make our little patch of green their own. As they settled into their new home however Matt began to notice how few places there were for kids to play soccer. Not one to just lament on a problem, he decided to do something about it. Using his skills, contacts and resources as a general contractor, Matt approached Tom Joy Elementary School about building a mini-pitch on their grounds. As he developed his plans he discovered that the “Our Town Our Club Spirit” is thriving in Nashville. In addition to The Trust’s contribution of soccer goals, one after another of his subcontractors stepped up to contribute their time and resources to make the project come to life. In fact, this exercise of the heart has been such a success that Matt has developed ambitious plans for similar endeavors throughout Nashville. 

Unfortunately, too often we only hear the negative stories in the news. But it is important to realize that every day inspiring stories like Matt’s are played out in our Nashville home. It is not hard to find these angels if we just look. It is not hard to be these angels if we just act. Having found kindred spirits in each other I am sure that The Trust and Matt will find many opportunities in the future to work together to grow this beautiful game and in the process lift up our Nashville home.